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At St. Illtyd’s Primary School, we are very proud and fortunate to have a very dedicated and supportive school community. At our school the staff, governors, parents and carers all recognise that the education of our children is a partnership between us.

This Code of Conduct outlines the expected behaviour of parents and carers when interacting with the school, staff, and other parents. It aims to create a positive and supportive environment for all members of the school community.


Behaviour of Parents and Carers

Treat all school staff with courtesy and respect. Disruptive behaviour which interferes or threatens to interfere with any of the schools normal operation or activities anywhere on the school premises will not be tolerated. The following behaviours are considered inappropriate:

  • Using loud or offensive language

  • Threatening in any way, a member of staff, visitor, fellow parent/carer or child

  • Damaging or destroying school property

  • Sending abusive or threatening emails or text/voicemail/phone messages or other written communications (including social media) to anyone within the school community

  • Defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the pupils/parents/staff/governors at the school on Facebook, X or other social media platforms

  • The use of physical, verbal or written aggression towards another adult or child. This includes physical punishment of your own child on school premises

  • Making derogatory comments or engaging in disputes on school premises or online.  Online activity that could be seen as a sign of harassment of any member of the school community, such as any form of insulting social media post or any form of social media cyber bullying, libel or slander will be reported

Online behaviour

  •  Abusive or personal comments about staff, governors, children or other parents  

  • Bringing the school in disrepute  

  • Posting defamatory or libellous comments  

  • Using social media to publicly challenge school policies or discuss issues about individual children or members of staff  

  • Threatening behaviour, such as verbally intimidating staff, or using bad language 

  • Breaching school security procedures

Should any of the above occur on school premises or in connection with school, the school may feel it is necessary to take action by contacting the appropriate authorities or consider banning the offending adult from entering the school premises.  A ban from the school premises can be introduced without having to go through all the steps offered above, in more serious cases. Site bans will normally be limited, in the first instance, while an investigation is carried out.

Expectations of Parents and Carers

  1. Adherence to Rules: Ensure that your child adheres to the school's rules and policies. This includes following the dress code, attending school regularly, and adhering to the behaviour policy

  2. Support for Learning: Encourage your child to participate fully in their education and support their learning at home.  Return reading books in a timely manner and in the same condition that they were received

  3. Communication with Teachers:  Communicate with the school in a respectful and constructive manner.  Maintain regular communication with your child's teachers. Attend Family Consultations and respond promptly to any concerns or questions

  4. Involvement in School Activities: Participate in school activities and events whenever possible and adhere to the expectations of this i.e no smoking/vaping, no swearing and no dogs (except guide dogs)

  5. Safety Rules: Follow all safety rules on school premises. This includes using designated walkways, parking in designated areas, and being aware of your surroundings

  6. Visitor Policy: Adhere to the school's visitor policy. Sign in and out when visiting the school, and follow any specific instructions given by staff

  7. Respect for School Property: Treat school property with care and respect. Avoid littering, damaging or vandalising any part of the school premises

Conflict Resolution: 

We are committed to resolving difficulties in a constructive manner, through an open and positive dialogue. However we understand that there may be times where you or your child feel dissatisfied. Where issues arise, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance. If you still do not feel the matter has been resolved after a reasonable amount of time, please contact the school via telephone or the school email address ( and we will direct you through the appropriate channels. Where issues remain unresolved, please follow the school’s complaints procedure. This is available on the school website or a copy can be requested from the school office.

Thank you for abiding by this code in our school. Together we create a positive and uplifting environment not only for the children but also all who work and visit our school. It is important for parents and carers to make sure any persons collecting their children are aware of this policy. 

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